







  • 2008.06-2012.09,武汉大学,材料物理,学士/ b.sc.

  • 2012.03-2015.02,韩国首尔大学,多尺度力学,硕士/ m.phil.

  • 2015.03-2018.09,韩国首尔大圩,固体力学,博士/ph.d.


  • 2018.09-2020.09,韩国首尔大学,institute of advanced machines and design,博士后

  • 2020.09-2022.02,中航国际天马微电子,中央创新中心,高级工程师

  • 2022.02-至今,同济大学,航空航天与力学学院,助理教授


  • 1.光响应软物质光作动性能的开发以及机理研究

  • 建立基于多尺度仿真技术的光热力耦合场本构关系模型,对光作动材料的作动性能(包括输出功、功率和相应时间等)进行分析并提出配方改善方法。

  • 2.光学压敏胶粘弹性力学本构关系的开发以及循环疲劳失效相关理论的开发

  • 光学压敏胶oca是新型可弯折显示设备中粘合保护显示模组的重要材料。研究极端工况下oca的弹性力学特性、蠕变特性和失效机理对显示设备长期稳定运行有重要作用。

  • 3.光固化、光显影过程的多尺度分析与建模

  • 光刻工艺是半导体工艺中最重要的制程;基于多尺度的分析建模方法可以有效预测光刻过程中的化学过程、产物形貌并对显影过程中可能发生的进行初步预测。

  • 4.反应式4d打印技术开发以及可打印光响应高分子材料研发。

  • 现阶段3d打印技术应用还局限于结构性零件;如何与智能高分子材料进一步融合,赋予具有独特结构的材料与环境交互响应的能力是一个重要的研究方向。

  • 欢迎对以上方向感兴趣的研究生同学报考。


  • 本科生课程:工程力学b

  • 研究生课程:软物质力学


  • 1.kim hyunsu, li jing, hsieh yves s. y., cho maenghyo, ahn sung‐hoon, li chenzhe†. photo‐programmed deformations in rigid liquid crystalline polymers triggered by body temperature. small, 2022, 18 (44), 2203772.

  • 2.chenzhe li, hyunsu kim, maenghyo cho†; “amplified photo-responses in sequentially polymerized azobenzene-containing polymer networks: the role of isomer interconnection”, polym. chem., 2020, 11, 1998 (back cover)

  • 3.chenzhe li, junghwan moon, jung-hoon yun, hyunsu kim, maenghyo cho†; “influence of external loads on structure and photoactuation in densely cross-linked azo-incorporated liquid crystalline polymers”, polymer, 129, 252-260, elsevier, 2017.10

  • 4.chenzhe li, jung-hoon yun, hyunsu kim, maenghyo cho†; 'light propagation and photo-actuation in densely cross-linked azobenzene-functionalized liquid-crystalline polymers: contribution of host and concerted isomerism', macromolecules, 49, 6012-6020, acs journals, 2016.08

  • 5.chenzhe li, sampreetha thampy, yongping zheng, joshua m kweun, yixin ren, julia y chan† et al; ' thermal stability of mullite rmn2o5 (r=bi, y, pr, sm or gd): combined density functional theory and experimental study', journal of physics: condensed matter, 28, 125602, iop science, 2016.03

  • 6.wei wang*, chenzhe li*, maenghyo cho†, sung-hoon ahn†; “soft tendril-inspired grippers: shape-morphing of programmable polymer-paper based bilayer composite”, acs appl. mater. interfaces, 10 (12), 10419–10427, 2018

  • 7.wei wang, chenzhe li, hugo rodrigue, fengpei yuan, min-woo han, maenghyo cho, sung-hoon ahn†; “kirigami/origami-based soft deployable reflector for optical beam steering”, advanced functional materials, 1604214, wiley-vch, 2017.02


  • 1.kim hyunsu, park sungwoo, chung hayoung, li chenzhe† ,cho maenghyo†. “effect of azobenzene composition ratio on the degree of photosoftening: experimental and molecular dynamics simulation studies.” mechanics of advanced materials and structures 2022, 0,1-8.

  • 2.zhihua sun*, chenzhe li*, shenmin zhu, maenghyo cho, zhixin chen, kyeongjae cho, yongliang liao, chao yin, di zhang†; “synthesis of bivo4@c core–shell structure on reduced graphene oxide with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity”, chemsuschem, 8, 2719–2726, wiley-vch, 2015.08

  • 3.jung-hoon yun, chenzhe li, hayoung chung, joonmyung choi, maenghyo cho†, “predicting photoisomerization profile of the highly polymerized nematic azobenzene liquid crystal network: first principle calculation”, chemical physics letters, 627, 20, elsevier, 2015.03

  • 4.yongping zheng, kyeongse song, jaepyeong jung, chenzhe li, yoon-uk heo, min-sik park, maenghyo cho, yong-mook kang, and kyeongjae cho†, “critical descriptor for the rational design of oxide-based catalysts in rechargeable li–o2 batteries: surface oxygen density”, chemistry of materials, 27 (9), 3243-3249, 2015.04

  • 5.jung-hoon yun, chenzhe li, hayoung chung, joonmyung choi, maenghyo cho†, “photo deformation in azobenzene liquid-crystal network: multiscale model prediction and its validation”, polymer, 75, 51-56, elsevier, 2015.09

  • 6.joshua minwoo kweun, chenzhe li, yongping zheng, maenghyo cho, yoon young kim, kyeongjae cho†; “bulk-surface relationship of an electronic structure for high-throughput screening of metal oxide catalysts”, applied surface science, 370(1), 279-290, elsevier, 2016.05

  • 7.yongping zheng, dae-soo yang, joshua m. kweun, chenzhe li, kui tan, fantai kong, chaoping liang, yves j. chabal, yoon y. kim, maenghyo cho, jong-sung yu, kyeongjae cho†; “rational design of common transition metal-nitrogen-carbon catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in fuel cells”, nano energy, 30 443–449, elsevier, 2016.10

  • 8.jung-hoon yun, chenzhe li, hayoung chung, joonmyung choi, maenghyo cho†; “multiscale modeling and its validation of the trans-cis-trans reorientation-based photodeformation in azobenzene-doped liquid crystal polymer”, international journal of solids and structures, 128, 36–49, elsevier, 2017.06

  • 9.sampreetha thampy, nickolas ashburn, thomas j martin, chenzhe li, yongping zheng, julia y chan, kyeongjae cho, julia wp hsu†, “effect of r-site element on crystalline phase and thermal stability of fe substituted mn mullite-type oxides: r2(mn1−xfex)4o10−δ (r = y, sm or bi; x = 0, 0.5, 1)”, rsc advances, 8 (1), 28-37, 2018

  • 10.jung-hoon yun, chenzhe li, seongseop kim, maenghyo cho†; “comparing photoactuation of an azobenzene-doped nematic liquid crystal polymer through its activation mechanism: trans–cis–trans reorientation and photoisomerization”, journal of physical chemistry c, 122 (11), 6310-6317, 2018.02

  • 11.heejun sung, hyunsu kim, joonmyung choi, hongseok kim, chenzhe li, maenghyo cho†; “structural design of soft robotics using a joint structure of photoresponsive polymers”, smart materials and structures, 29 (5), 055032, 2020.04


  • 1. 上海市科学技术委员会, 浦江人才计划, 基于多尺度力学的高性能弹性体光驱动器的作动机理研究, 2022-10 至 2024-09, 在研, 主持


  • acs applied materials and interfaces

  • actuators
